
Moms in Community

MomCom Fall 2024

Leadership Opportunities

Us moms flourish as a team! If you are interested in serving on our leadership team, whether it's in a big way or a small way, we'd love to talk with you about how you can contribute. Click here to fill out the form to get started.

Mission Statement:

FBCSA's Moms in Community seeks to support and empower moms of young children through Christ-centered connection and the cultivation of joy in motherhood.

For Moms of infants through 3rd grade children

Fellowship, Connection, Relationship, Wellness, Prayer, Encouragement

Fall Dates and sign-up coming soon!

Summer playdates at the FBCSA playscape:

*Thursday mornings

9:30 AM - 11:30AM

June 13

July 11

Two meeting tracks to choose from:

*Wednesday evenings

6:00 PM - 8:00 PM


*Thursday mornings

9:30 AM - Noon